Dataset Five Machine Two

A sexy story in the bathroom.

“I want you to cum and I want you to get the soft sexual conscious time and want to go in the shower to go to the bathroom and want to see her was a good looking private shower. I was a little comfortable. I was having a breath and the movie was a word she was so sexy in the other girls and I was sexy for a moment and she was a show and we were all in the shower and pulled out and slowly started to fuck her mouth and then started moaning as I could and told him to be so sorry and she was already confused. The show she was so wet and she was a small girl who was a bit of the girls in the same party and I was still slowly and we were all a bar and she was about to cum inside her and then she started to slowly slide it out of her pussy. She was so sorry and that she was about to see her shorts and she was really sure what I was completely straight at a couple of times and she was a movie started to get some porn group of cum and he was a bit sexy and she was going to be the first time that I was pretty sure I was going to be a good time to fuck her that we were doing this with a small look and he was a bit of the first time, so I was still there and then get the sheets to see if I was an attractive way to come over and felt a little bit of cum in her mouth. I was still a little short to the side and her body was a bit of the hottest thing and I was so strange to me and the conversation was the entire time I was so hot. I was a part of the thought of the sexual couple of weeks and the only thing I was filled to see her surprise. I was going to cum and I was still staring at him and started to stroke her as I slowly started to stroke her as she began to fuck her against me. She started to cum while I could feel her ass began to start to suck on her back and she grabbed my hand and put her tongue up and down my cock and she started to start stroking her ass while she started slowly sliding her hand around my cock. I slowly grabbed her ass and my body was still all against her ass and then she reached out and started to stroke me and whispered in my back and grabbed her back and started to stroke me. He started to suck my cock and she was so hot and she was so hot to see her stroke my way to the base of my head. I sat up and said “I want you to cum for the next day, so I want to get home.” I said. I was still a few guys and we were the first time we got to a slightly sexy and sexy stuff and I was expecting to go to the front door. I was so sorry that he was a little fun and she was about to see my cock in her mouth. I was fucking her this hot time and she started to start my hands and started to get me coming from the back of my head and she started to stroke my cock in my mouth, she started to get the tip of my cock against my balls. I slid her hand on my cock. I was already so fucking hot and we started to fuck her harder and then pulled her face into her pussy. I was still close to the first time she started to slowly come out of the back of her tits. The movie was a few more times that I was so sure that she was in the basement with a really good second and she slowly started to stroke me. I felt like the first time she was a good fire and a lot of more things that we were having a sexual time and she was a few times that I was all the time that I was going to happen. I was going to see if they were the time of the course of the time that she was close to clearly the first time I was going to cum and she was ready to move to the bathroom and started to take off her tits. I was doing this that she was going to be a bit of the way the room and a stripper was a couple of times and then she was sucking and she was starting to see her throbbing cock and her eyes were all the way inside her and she took my cock into her pussy, and started to slide her hand on her pussy. I started to come over and started to get her on top of her. I was so hot and surprised my cock. I was going to cum and she was so sure this was a few more times and then the students were hard to take a moment of pleasure and for a few months and she was still breathing more and her ass was already and she was so sexy and she was still staring at my eyes. I could feel her completely closer to the shower and my body was disappointed that I was still still stroking his cock. She started to take off her back and she said “I want you to cum in my hand. I don’t know what you want to know what you want to go a few minutes of the way you want to fuck me in here your body and had the orgasm and I wanted to make it be a perfect friend of the shower and I want you to see her do it and I want to see you going to the sound of pleasure. I’m sure I want to get in the shower and do that with them and the thought of this is a sexual conversation and she was so much to be a bit of sexual times (I was a bit comfortable with the most had a few times to see the time that I was a little bit of a beautiful cock in the room, and I was going to feel what was going to be a few drinks and she said she was going to cum in her mouth and said “I want you to cum and I was going to come and we were seeing you and I were still a lot of times and she was going to get a lot of times to come over to the bedroom and the conversation of the sexual minute or so I was having a show and had a little cock in my ear. I was the party that was a good student who was coming out of the couch and I was a bit of things about how the next day I was going to take a little bit of my body and she told me that they were so good and she was in the eyes and she was so sexy, and I was thinking about me. I was too fast and going to the shower and said “I know you want to have to be wearing a kiss.” I grabbed her ass.

She started to feel my fingers in my mouth. I was hard as I could and he pushed her hand on my cock. She started to stroke me. I was surprised to see my first blonde hair and get a great ass and she had a few more times and she said “I want you to cum and it’s not a good hour and opened my back and then I said “I’m gonna know what you want to get me to the edge of the couch. I want you to cum and I want you to get a month of part of the world was just so hard and we could see that the area was on the stairs and the and was a stripper and a taste of a sight of my period to see her ass and get on the bed, and he was a stranger and started to get a sexy story in the bathroom and she said “I want you to go and came out of the side and that I was so hot.” I said as I could and we were both so hot and she was not sure what the moment she was sucking her looking at her shoulders and started to stroke her as I came in her mouth and she started stroking me for a minute or so that I was still stroking her ass. She told me to get on the bed. I started to push her against her pussy. I slid my hands up and down my cock. I could feel my breathing was still hard and her grabbing her ass and she started to grab her ass and started slowly stroking her ass and she was about to be a sexual thing I was going to be completely started to get her so hot to her ass. I didn’t want to see her ass and had the sheets and sat there and she said “I can tell you have to be the sexual smile in the shower.” She said, “I want you to cum and I would be a little really good to go to the pool.” I said, and started to moan and said “That was the first time I was about to cum in her thing and we were too comfortable and don’t want to do it anymore. I started to get the show and I have no idea what to do it and that I was still shaking and a couple of times and had a second hot time and we had a good time or so I was so much so slow as I was too bad and the only thing I was still there on the couch and she was taking the door on the bed and we talked about what we were on the bed and then he pushed my body to the bed. I slid my hand on my cock and started to push her onto my cock.

  • Epoch: 50.00
  • Loss: 1.0641
  • RNN Size: 300
  • Dropout: 0.4
  • Layers: 3
  • Temperature: 0.35

Readability Stats

  • Words: ~1780
  • Sentences: ~52
  • Gunning-Fog Index: 14.209161624892
  • Flesch-Kincaid Index: 11.230561797753
  • Flesch: 75.513690579084

The Gunning-Fog and Flesch-Kincaid indicies attempt to measure the number of years of education a reader would have to complete in order to be able to understand the content (The displayed value is roughly equivalent to US grade level, spanning into collegiate levels). Flesch is a 0 to 100 scale where 100 is the most "readable."