Dataset Two Machine One

You got the soft cock in your dick.

“You got the soft cock in your dick and started being so hot and she seem use you here and then it would be like that. I should want to see my pussy. I give you the belt of my cock in my hand. I stroked my head and took out the mouth of her throat. I did not come and she was stroking some against her pussy, she could feel her mouth exposed in and out of her cunt and slipped out of her cunt. “What are you told it some of the one,” he said as he started to grab her hands against her lips as he came out of her head. It was so she had a contact of her father’s crotch and she stopped the palm and began to pull the room and her soft clit was still to stroke her face and sucking his hands and his hands stepped between her legs and then pushed his hands forward as he sucked her cunt brown cunt and showed his head and tongue was a little short and watching her breasts and start to watch her tongue to her pussy. She sat on the bed and he was still spreading her hand up and down to her mouth and started pushing her ass and shooting her cunt and his hot and lips grew behind her. Dave started to shove her fingers up and down her cunt. He turned her against her soft cock and said “Would you like to let me so good and you should come down to the body. I don’t know if I can see my slit and so we can see the pussy work and told her to do the motion of my sexual times. I want to believe it that I was doing the end of her two dicks and I was a sound for a moment. I was as good as it was only to see his pants and I was continued to begin to began to start and the shower was the story which was the complete thing to her with face. He could see his hands and stroking her head and still began to spread them on her clit. “I want to go with me, long and we like this one of my hands. You are so completely the sticky body of your cunt enjoying the time to stop the way that you would all relax. I want to know how much they will take off your head to her blouse and she have a real stroke of the sexual second bitch. She was shaking for me, then dressed in the most for a little she had been but the water had been hard and in some little orgasm. I was so beautiful than her clothes were all one of them in the back of the same thing was the six of them on the street. I told her to hear her take the back of her cunt as she started to start a short sweet straight balls of her cunt. He saw his cock climax on his hands. She spread her legs and then her breasts stroked her over the side of her head and still hard and stroking her legs and her nipples slipping her head around her shoulder and her slit and pulling her cunt to his head. “You want to think that you said you would have a little several sex and hold on the way that you know it must have been a point and she wants to see you so I started to start the shower. I was stroking me and close to her and she began to push it to the bed. I said that we had in the next home that she didn’t know what I was a little so hot and she was this time. After a little, she was all the way to the story and she was excited and a sharp control of her pussy to the side of the desk. He looked back at her and she stood up and stood as he spread her legs and then the throat of his shorts as she stroked her pussy and massaged her legs and slid her hands on her mouth and collapsed on the bed, pushing his hands in and out of her cunt and stroking her cunt and kissing her pussy. She started hugging her breasts and she felt her ass and should have seen his body and the show gently, and he started to reach her hands to her skirt and then stood up and down the couch, and he stood at her face. “You really want to be a cock before I put my hand to her cunt and said that you want to make me suck a body of your hands, and I should be great, and I want to do it to me and you can reach and see that he was too much to pull it out of my body. I think I’m so leaving your clit to get the soft stomach of my hands and fingers into the top of the head of her body. I started to stop her buttocks and the sweet shaft of her cunt slide in her cunt. I was the same time I could feel her hands to the floor to the tip of her clit. I was a bit of her mouth to find her cunt and he started to suck on the bed while she began to suck the light through the couch. I felt the long stall of her stomach to the bed and started to stretch my cock into the good. I looked at her and stroked her balls. “I want to do that to her with your hands and then to see your room.” “You think I can have to do that in the shower.” “You don’t want to play all the way to the bed.” He said, still the strength and she was wearing the shower and then started to watch her panties to the water. The stripper in the high stream of her head was stroking her ass head and faster and sucking her lips and sliding her clit and the first time she started to stop on his long slit. She could see her tongue turning her tongue into her back, and her cunt was getting her hand on her cunt. She pulled her hands on her legs and slid her clit into her hand and she could feel him begin to start her hands and started to stroke her pussy and stroking her hands in her cunt. I could feel her dick was so stuck and her tongue moved on the shorts and the fast she looked at her. “I would take the head of the sexual of the pain. I could hardly stop her and she saw her orgasm with her cock as I stroked her mouth down to the shaft. Then she pulled his hand up and down her cunt and then slid her hand around her breasts and then dripped out of his body. She was so fucking her lips and the top of her hands with his shoulders. I saw the stroke of her clit and she was so soon of her slit with her clit. Then she started to rub his cock in my hands and legs under my buttocks, pressing the strokes and the shower still began to come on the couch and she pulled her hand on her thighs and sucked her own cunt behind her from her hands. “You like that, I didn’t know you don’t know what I’m being a little going to come.” “You are the one and I look down and held me so much as you were going to stop.” “Oh, yes.” “Would you want to see your eyes were working and so she would be being a nice one and the girl.” “You would be a little so wet in my next thing that I was so constant and I should have done this to me and asked her to do to the same time. I should enjoy the delicious start of the bedroom. The stroke was distracting my little body and she was so show that he was so pretty like the hard one she was stroking my mouth. I took the glossing of her hands and black head with his hands and stroked her slit as he held her hands over her pussy and her hands stretched her tongue up and down and down on her one lips. He started to busy be the hot pussy of her body. He trembled and said, “I love you.” “I can feel the company that it would be a second time.” “That’s so slightly like I got to play and the side of the bed of my pussy. I don’t want to be too enjoy with her and he could be going to do that.” “You want to have to stop it to the man of my ass.”

  • Epoch: 1.25
  • Loss: 1.1664
  • Temperature: 0.45

Readability Stats

  • Words: ~1516
  • Sentences: ~66
  • Gunning-Fog Index: 9.5308867034461
  • Flesch-Kincaid Index: 6.6782082034061
  • Flesch: 88.094636203726

The Gunning-Fog and Flesch-Kincaid indicies attempt to measure the number of years of education a reader would have to complete in order to be able to understand the content (The displayed value is roughly equivalent to US grade level, spanning into collegiate levels). Flesch is a 0 to 100 scale where 100 is the most "readable."