Dataset Friends Machine One

That things in me, Rach.

“Yeah, I don’t want to do it and wanted to say you want to start it to know what you want to do that to me… and the bed of that things in me, Rach,” she said, smiling at him, her sweet roommate’s hands traced his cock, the bedroom as she slowly slid on his hands, her breasts was parting to tease her slightly, the soft skin of his hands reached her pussy lips and kissed him again.

“I want to do it about that and really trousers with him, and I don’t want to be a little commondon.

“Oh god, maybe you want to start to do it?” she asked, “…and that was a mean.”

“Are you gonna cum,” she said with a movie and gripped the couch, looking at him and she shook her head and sucked on her head, “I’m probably under him,” he said softly, “I’m gonna make him come to the bottom of your pussy.”

“Fuck me, Chandler,” she said with a pause and sucked and the moment of the bastick of his tongue and sexy of her chest. “You can was the soft could sit on the sink… and I wanted to want to cum… I want to do it, maybe they were on the bed, and I want to do this to do all the weeks with this,” she said, sat all the way out of her face. “Well, I want to cum for your bedroom door and we have a few minutes of the fabric was all this, and I could be a really woman something that it was a soft silk and making her hands to see you don’t want to start with this to this arousal, there was a surprise of the foreard little legs. I want to cum in me… oh yes… yes… oh yeah… now my panties,” she said softly as her body some of her continued tone on the pants with her breasts. She looked at the way her cunt trailed off to shake as she held them to the little cheeks and smiled as he was close to his knees. He stood over her eyes.

“Well, I want to feel your hands and incerting to have me to see you too,” she said in a silk on her breasts. He could tell her more than it was the good look of and so little.

“Oh god, yes, Chandler,” she said softly, “I like that in my mouth… I can’t cum, and I put the diary and make the couple finally falled into her face.”

Monica was wearing a good of the couch and she slipped his fingers over her mouth, then she was slowly pulling out of her body and pushed his soft cock across the bed, he was so strong in the sex and sensitive body. He could feel her fingers from the soft button of the couch, putting her short breasts and pulled him his fingers over her body. Her eyes were began to thrust against her legs, the couch was a strappers were closed and pulled him slightly, and pulled her lips to her clit, she started to say the back of her skin. She saw him close to the couch, then she was going to try a look of gaze and threw her head up and closed her eyes. He was a while with the bottom of his cock in her hand. Her fingertips stood to her pussy. Her hands slid over her ass and slowly returned and she raised her head against her hands, her body was staring at her as he let out a second. He frigged her to stare with her cuse. He pushed her hand on the bed. They continued to harder the passion before she was still pillowed into the floor. Chandler’s hands smiled at him and looked up at him, sat up on the floor.

“Well, I want to get him making it to some thought. I don’t have to get that and down your tongue. I perfect and making her hand went in, and I want to be finally, I don’t know if he wanted to do this for you to think about him and I want to love to she was sexy,” he said softly, “Uh, yeah… you like that,” Monica replied, shiving his head and shuddered and his head was began to get a soft chance.

Rachel gently smiled at him, “I want you to try to do it to you?”

“So how about you have to touch your hands.”

Rachel reached up and stood up and her hands were so turned and her fingers into the dildo with a stroke stripped on the bed and she started to remember that was so she could be so elegant.

“Oh, I can’t go to your little cousin.”

“Well, I think I want to leave this short head and really can I think about this part of the sink.”

“Oh, yeah, I want to show you too,” Rachel said.

“No, fuck me in me… do it… so like that… fuck me,” she said, as she smiled at her, sweating and passionately, then her hands slowly rubbed his wet hair, but the hands eased her hands, and put his fingers through his shoulders and leaned against him, he realized that he was fucking her breasts. He could see her body with his spread resting on her chest.

  • Epoch: 40.23
  • Loss: 1.0301
  • RNN Size: 256
  • Dropout: 0.5
  • Layers: 2
  • Temperature: 0.5 [?]

Readability Stats

  • Words: ~908
  • Sentences: ~80
  • Gunning-Fog Index: 5.5091629955947
  • Flesch-Kincaid Index: 2.9757070484582
  • Flesch: 93.943824889868

The Gunning-Fog and Flesch-Kincaid indicies attempt to measure the number of years of education a reader would have to complete in order to be able to understand the content (The displayed value is roughly equivalent to US grade level, spanning into collegiate levels). Flesch is a 0 to 100 scale where 100 is the most "readable."